Benefits of
Daith Piercing
Daith Piercing is based on the insights gained from TCM and acupuncture. Below, you will find testimonials from customers who decided to try Daith Piercing to relieve their migraine pain.
Starting point
I had severe migraine and suffered from the symptoms.
Piercing date
February, 2024
No more symptoms, just the usual headaches. I have more quality of life again, really top, very recommendable.
Testimonial date
Sanja Eres
Not Recommended
Starting point
Piercing date
September, 2024
Unfortunately, my migraines have gotten worse.
Testimonial date
Monika Aeberhard
Starting point
Up to 5 migraine attacks per month
Piercing date
August, 2024
Since August 2024 I just had 2 migraine attacks. It is much better now 😊.
I was very well advised and not just stuck somewhere, but the acupuncture point was measured exactly. (Date pierced: 21.12.2024)
I am positively surprised.
Thanks to Tobi 😊.
Testimonial date
Beatrice Schweizer
Starting point
Frequent headaches. About 2-3 times a week. I have taken up to 4 painkillers a day.
Piercing date
June 7, 2024
Now I only have 2-3 headaches a month and not as bad. 1 painkiller is enough.
Testimonial date
Natascha Süss
Starting point
I had migraine with aura 3 times a month. Had tried many things, but little helped.
Piercing date
August 2024
After the piercing I had no more migraine. Less headaches 😊.
Testimonial date
Svenja H.
Starting point
Severe migraines almost daily, no real improvement after taking medication.
Piercing date
October 2023
After about 1 month, I no longer had daily migraine attacks and my headaches were much less severe.
After a year, I still have about 2 migraine attacks a month and they are much weaker than before.
I am very pleasantly surprised!
Testimonial date
Aylin Akdeniz
Starting point
Before the piercing I often had migraines and general problems with headaches.
Piercing date
February 2024
I have significantly fewer migraines (almost nothing).
I recommend it to anyone who has migraines.
Testimonial date
Starting point
1 x per week Migraine.
Piercing date
August 06, 2024
No problems with migraines.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Had severe headaches at least once a week.
Piercing date
April 30, 2024
Significantly less frequent, headaches occur once a month.
Testimonial date
N. Sutkovic
Starting point
Migraine with nausea, sensitivity to light and sensitivity to noise.
Piercing date
Year 2022
Much better. The darkening of the eyes has stopped and the pressure on the eyes has gone.
Sometimes a slight headache, but everything is great. And above all, no more migraines.
Testimonial date
Kohler Michelle
Starting point
Certain headaches 1-2 times every other week. Depending on the weather.
Piercing date
April 30, 2024
Actually, I haven’t had any problems since the piercing. Except for one time, I had an extreme headache for 3 days.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Frequent migraine attacks several times a month. These was always happen two to three days.
Piercing date
May 23, 2024
One to two months after the piercing, I only had one or two migraines, after which they reduced significantly. And when they did occur, they were only mild headaches.
Testimonial date
Starting point
I had regular migraines, several days in a row, sometimes with vomiting. I regularly took painkillers.
Piercing date
December 5 , 2023
I haven’t needed to take any more tablets since December 2023, and in January 2024 I had no more pain.
Testimonial date
Starting point
3 - 4 x / week migraine with auras
Piercing date
March, 2022
Since the piercing, the migraine attacks have been greatly reduced. When I have a migraine, it’s still twice time in a year.
Testimonial date
Lara Simona
Starting point
I was struggling with very severe migraine attacks several times a month.
Piercing date
March 2, 2022
Since the piercing, the migraine attacks have been greatly reduced. When I have a migraine, it’s still twice time in a year.
Testimonial date
Carmen S.
Starting point
I didn't have the piercing done because of migraines, but because of my headaches, which were caused by my back problems. Before the piercing, I sometimes had headaches for 10+ days at a time, which I couldn't get rid of even with painkillers.
Piercing date
Juli 15, 2023
Already on the day I had the piercing done, I noticed a clear relaxation in my shoulder girdle! After that, the headaches became less and less. Since then I have hardly had any longer lasting headaches (maximum 2-3 days at a time), but even this is rare and probably more related to my cycle. Whereas I used to record up to 15 days of headaches per month in my pain diary, I now have about 3 to a maximum of 5 days per month! Since I’ve had the piercing, the headaches can be treated with painkillers again (and are far less intense than before). The piercing has significantly improved my quality of life!
Thank you for piercing me, even though I didn’t come to you for migraine attacks! After 10 years of illness my despair was so great that (almost) every means was right for me not to have to suffer like this for the rest of my life.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraine almost once a week
Piercing date
May 2023
Migraine not completely gone. But better/less frequent. Still about every 3 weeks.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraines, almost once every week.
Piercing date
May 6, 2023
Unfortunately, the migraines are not completely gone. But it’s gotten better/less common. Now about every three weeks.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Before I have the migraine piercing, I had frequent migraine attacks. The migraine attacks lasting more than 6 hours were associated with severe pain and vomiting.
Piercing date
May 25, 2023
It’s been a long time since I’ve had the severe migraines I had before the piercing. Unbelievable as it may seem, it really helped!!!! Of course I still have migraines now and again, but never as bad or as often as I used to. Even if you massage the part of the ear where the piercing is with your fingers, you will quickly feel relief.
(I felt the effect of the migraine piercing after 3 months)
Testimonial date
Starting point
Since I got the piercing in 2022, I have very, very rarely had migraines and mild pain that I can endure.
That's why I had the second page engraved today, October 25th, 2023.
Piercing date
October 27, 2022
I have suffered from migraines since puberty. Monthly treatment with strong medication.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Headaches almost every day and migraines once or twice time a week
Piercing date
December 12, 2021
Migraine maximum once a month and only during strawberry week (menstruation). Headaches have also become a lot less, than only 5-7 times a month.
Testimonial date
Starting point
I have been suffering from migraines with aura every week for decades. This always takes one to three days.
Piercing date
March 05, 2023
It took a while, but I’ve had at most one mild migraine since for 3-4 months ago.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraines 2 to 3 times a month, which could only be controlled with very high medication or even hospitalization
Piercing date
May 19, 2023
Significantly fewer attack. Hardly ever use less painkillers. My migraines are only about 1/3 as strong.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Starting point:
- No experience with migraine piercing but occasional less headaches.
- Decision of the piercing basically from the optical point of view.
- Previously read about different acupuncture, so I was also interested.
Piercing date
Februar 2, 2023
– Less headaches, acupuncture point shows its effect.
– No problem with igniting.
Testimonial date
Not recommended
Starting point
Very frequent and severe migraine attacks for over 20 years. On average, I have 10-12 days of pain per month.
Tried many conventional medical and alternative methods, nothing really helps me.
Piercing date
August 9, 2022
The piercing healed without any problems. Unfortunately, migraines haven’t changed.
Testimonial date
Starting point
2 – 3 x per week migraines, depending on 1 x tension headache.
Piercing date
March 18, 2023
1 x tension headache every 2 weeks. (Mostly when I haven’t had enough to drink).
Very, very much better. 😊 Thanks!!!
Testimonial date
Starting point
She had almost two times per week migraines.
Piercing date
February 8, 2023
After the migraine piercing, she has less headach. Now arround one to two times per month.
Testimonial date
Starting point
I had almost every day I migraines or headache.
Piercing date
November 26, 2022
I got my migraine piercing at La Rebelle Suisse and it helped me a lot against my daily migraine problems. The atmosphere in the studio was also very pleasant and extremely professional.
Testimonial date
Starting point
I have headaches almost every day, which only disappeared with the help of a painkiller.
Piercing date
November 19, 2022
About 1.5 years ago I got a migraine piercing from you. It has improved a lot since the migraine piercing! I have a headache now, max. 1x per week or less.
The main thing that helped me was that I didn’t have to take painkillers every day. Thank you for the great performance!
Testimonial date
Starting point
Frequent migraine attacks.
Piercing date
September 9, 2022
Got a migraine piercing in early January 22. Since then I rarely have migraines. So I would do it again any time. I can only recommend the piercing.
Testimonial date
Starting point
I had a migraine attack about every three weeks.
Piercing date
July 12, 2022
I would like to report on my experience with migraine piercing. Before I got the piercing, I had a migraine attack about every three weeks. After I had the piercing, the desired effect did not materialize for the first time. I wasn’t sure if I should have had it done on both sides.
I waited for 3-4 months to heal. In fact, it took a while for the effect to kick in. Today I can successfully say that I only have a migraine attack about every 2-3 months.
I can recommend the piercing to everyone.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraine and headache.
Piercing date
January 15, 2022
Since I have the migraine piercing, I haven’t any more severe migraine attacks! What is extremely noticeable is the relaxation in the neck area, previously I had always had severe pain and was very tense, which often triggered the migraine. Since I no longer feel any tension in my neck, I no longer have migraines. Therefore, great. Many Thanks!
Testimonial date
Starting point
He always has headaches. But not the classic migraines. He rather finds the lower daith piercing interesting from the optical.
Piercing date
November 5, 2021
He has had fewer headaches since then. Especially on one side, the pain has decreased. So he decided to pierce the other side.
Since he got his second migraine piercing, his headaches have gone down by about 80% less.
Testimonial date
Starting point
For 30 years, the client has suffered migraine attacks every two weeks, lasting up to three days. During this time, she was very sensitive to light and noise.
Piercing date
October 27, 2021
She says that after two weeks she is absolutely free of migraines. Maybe she still has a weak headache, if they come. With the new piercing, she got a new quality of life.
Testimonial date
Seli Brovina
Starting point
I had migraines every 2 weeks. Unfortunately, headaches almost every 1-2 days. So far I have tried 10 different drugs and I ended up with 330mg of painkillers.
Piercing date
September 8, 2021
Since I got the lower daith piercing, I have had a headache because of menstrubation problems. Nothing more, and I am super happy that I no longer have to take the strong medication.
Testimonial date
Doris’ daughter
Starting point
Headaches, specially when the weather changes.
Piercing date
September 1, 2021
Something worked for Doris’ daughter. She has had fewer headaches since the piercing, but it’s not completely painless.
Testimonial date
Not recommended
Starting point
Headaches, specially when the weather changes.
Piercing date
September 1, 2021
The migraine piercing did absolutely nothing to help to her, rather worse. However, she says that there is probably another reason, which she confirmed over the phone.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraine and headache.
Piercing date
August 17, 2021
It actually worked. The migraine is not gone, but the pain is relieved. So a success for me!
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraine and headache.
Piercing date
August 12, 2021
The piercing started to show it’s effect after 2 weeks. I was positively surprised! Normally I get severe headaches when the weather changes, but there were none. In addition, I no longer had headaches, even under stress. I haven’t had any migraine attacks either. I can only recommend the piercing! Didn’t expect it to work so well! Thank you very much and best regards.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Lots of migraines since I was a child.
Piercing date
July 17, 2021
Unfortunately, I’ve had migraines since kindergarten. Together with my parents we tried so many things … from goes from one specialist to the other, from this therapy to the other therapy, but it doesn’t really work.
Except for the China medicine. This helps me a little bit. However, until I hit puberty, after that I was powerless against the migraines.
I found out social media about Daith Piercing and I didn’t believe in it at first, but it was worth a try for me. Since I got the daith piercing, I’ve had little or no migraines more, if I have than only it’s just like a headache.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Classic headache. Most time by changing the weather. More likely to have migraines.
Piercing date
July 7, 2021
Has gotten a lot better now with the headach. Has now less adverse reaction from the weather changes. Now mild headache course and finds more easier with the pain.
Testimonial date
Starting point
For more than 20 years I have suffered enormously from migraines, dizziness and even turning black in my eyes and falling over. Especially in this weather where it is currently, I would hardly have survived my everyday life with migraines and dizziness without having to lie down.
Piercing date
June 26, 2021
I haven’t had a headache for 2 weeks and the dizziness has also gotten much, much better. I got a piece of my quality of life back. Like New born. If I had known that the effect was so great, I would have had it pricked years ago. Thank you for your work and the perfect stabbing of my piercings.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Almost four times per month she has migrain attack.
Piercing date
June 26, 2021
After two monts, she has now one time per month her migrain.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraine attacks.
Piercing date
May 1, 2021
Migraine attacks less frequently. Instead of 4 times a month, now only once a month. So I have to take less, very strong medication.
Testimonial date
Not recommended
Starting point
Migraine attacks.
Piercing date
May 1, 2021
Migraine piercing stung elsewhere. Under Daiht. Unfortunately it was of no use.
Testimonial date
Starting point
I have suffered from migraine since I was 12 years old. Lower Daith used.
Piercing date
April 16, 2021
On December 20, 2020, I suffered from an extreme migraine (48 hours), which I attribute to the lack of sleep. Unfortunately, I ran out of triptan tablets. Normal painkillers had no effect. After that, it took my head and body almost 2 days to recover from it. Since then, I’ve had headaches occasionally.
In my circle of acquaintances and relatives, I will beat the drum for Daith piercings. I have firmly resolved to do this, even if after 6 months I still haven’t had a migraine attack like before.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Frequent headache.
Piercing date
April 13, 2021
Now only about once headache a month. Massive improvement.
Testimonial date
Not recommended
Starting point
Piercing date
April 5, 2021
Unfortunately, the migraine piercing had no effect on me.
Testimonial date
Starting point
I’ve suffered from migraines for over 25 years, have already tried a lot and everything has brought some improvement, but I still had to reckon with migraines practically every time the weather changed, which then plagued me for 2-3 days despite medication.
Piercing date
April 4, 2021
I came to you with no great expectations, told myself that if that would bring some improvement, I have already won.
Now I just had 0 migraines in the first month. Absolutely none. Since my husband always feels the weather changes in his joints at the same time we can pretty well estimate that the piercing probably saved me 8-10 migraines in the first month. And afterwards July came with its many thunderstorms and rain. Now 3 months are almost over. I am still migraine free. At most I feel a little pressure or 2-3 “stitches”, which are over again without medication.
Thank you Dave, I am overjoyed, and I also find the piercing very chic. I have already decided to have a second piercing in the other ear.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Piercing date
March 16, 2021
Imagine that I can’t imagine it, but it helped me with the headache.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Piercing date
February 4, 2021
Less often. Really deliberately only after a year.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Partly cluster-like headache.
Piercing date
January 27, 2021
I just wanted to send you a quick reply. I got my migraine piercing on December 5th. I’ve only had a headache 1 time at the beginning and I quickly took a pill and it was gone. Before that, the pill didn’t help either. And since then I’ve been free of migraines!
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraine attacks.
Piercing date
December 12, 2020
I have fewer headaches than before.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migraine attacks.
Piercing date
April 27, 2020
Migraines have decreased.
Testimonial date
Starting point
Migrain, sometimes 3 days on block.
Piercing date
January 1, 2020
Migraines have gotten less. Is a break for you. Hence mother too. 2nd page engraved later.
Testimonial date
Katharina’s mum
Starting point
Migraine, sometimes for full 2 days.
Piercing date
January 1, 2020
Has decreased in intensity and frequency. 2nd re-engraved 6 weeks later.
Testimonial date
Katharina’s aunt
Starting point
Migraine attacks.
Piercing date
January 1, 2020
Later short feedback via Katharina. Headaches have generally gotten better.
Testimonial date
Give Daith Piercing a try
The daith piercing can relieve migraines or eliminate them forever for most people. If you have any further questions or concerns about this topic, Dave will be happy to give you personal and detailed advice.
Give us a call: +41 (0) 62 216 69 69